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Capsicum sp.6 (LBB1559, LBB1564, LBB1556)

Capsicum recurvatum Witas.

Capsicum sp.9 (LBB1569)

Species of South-East Brazilian Wild Capsicum

Capsicum sp.6 (LBB1559, LBB1564, LBB1556)

Capsicum sp.6 includes populations with similar traits, i.e. calyx with 5 teeth and corolla with clear purplish red spots in the lobes.

C. sp.6 LBB1559 is an accession found along the road to the Park of Ibitipoca; plant is scarcely pubescent; flower is erect and geniculate at anthesis; calyx has 5 teeth variable in length (sometimes reduced); corolla is characterized by purplish red spots very evident and sometimes spread throughout the petals.

C. sp.6 LBB1556 grows near Piquete; it is similar to the previous one, but with more marked purplish red spots which often are also visible in the back of the petals.

C. sp.6 LBB1564 grows in a narrow area at high altitude in the Parque dos Orgãos. Plant is scarcely pubescent; flower is erect or intermediate, geniculate at anthesis; calyx has 5 fleshy teeth; corolla is slightly campanulate; the back of the petals and the buds are violaceous.

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Capsicum sp.6 (LBB1559, LBB1564, LBB1556) Capsicum sp.6 (LBB1559, LBB1564, LBB1556) Capsicum sp.6 (LBB1559, LBB1564, LBB1556) Capsicum sp.6 (LBB1559, LBB1564, LBB1556) Capsicum sp.6 (LBB1559, LBB1564, LBB1556)

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