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Capsicum schottianum Sendtn.

Capsicum villosum Sendtn.

Capsicum cornutum (Hiern) Hunz.

Species of South-East Brazilian Wild Capsicum

Capsicum schottianum Sendtn.

C.schottianum is also widespread, with significant morphological differences from area to area; plants often grow to huge size (over 3 m); trichomes are scarce; calyx is toothless or with tiny teeth; flower is erect and geniculate at anthesis; corolla is white with greenish or yellowish spots in the throat and the lobes, sometimes with purplish red spots in the distal part of the lobes.

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Capsicum schottianum Sendtn. Capsicum schottianum Sendtn. Capsicum schottianum Sendtn. Capsicum schottianum Sendtn. Capsicum schottianum Sendtn.

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