CAP indica accessioni provenienti dal German Research Centre for Biotechnology (Genbankinformationssystem des IPK Gatersleben)
5.000 SHU
0 SHU 100.000 SHU
CAP 1533
Capsicum annuum
Variegated flash
Another unclassified variety which proven to be a standad Capsicum annuum.
Plant grew up to 1 m, with dense dark green foliage and lot of pods maturing from green (with purple areas) to red.
Despite the name, leaves not at all "variegated", but maybe the name is really "variegated flesh", referring to purple streaks on exocarp.
Heat is quite low, but taste very good, almost sweet.
Flowers has white petals with purple borders.
Inside of pods, abundant placenta and a lot of seeds