Presumibilmente si tratta di un ibrido interspecifico tra c.frutescens e c.annuum, ed infatti ha alcune caratteristiche in comune fra le due specie.
80.000 SHU
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Compilatore Pr0digal_son 2015
C.baccatum x C.annuum x C.frutescens?
Cabai Burung Ungu
This is a possible baccatum x annuum x frutescens. I see the yellow streaks,but not sold on it having baccatum genes. I would need to know more history which there is very little of.
There is a lot of yellow/green on the flower,not just in the throat area. We know that some frutescens have very green flowers.
The fruit of these is not as deciduous as a frutescens,the skin is crisper like an annuum. Has a sweeter taste than frutescens also.